Monday, November 16, 2009

Product Limelight!

Lancome Definicils mascara! Ever wonder what the pros use? Well wonder no more. This revolutionary little product is on every makeup professional's list. Why? The formula is sleek, smooth, non-greasy, and won't leave you with flaky or clumpy lashes.

Another great feature is how easy it is to remove at the end of the day. While this product isn't the cheapest thing you can buy (average cost is around $25.00), it's well worth the money. It lasts longer and wears better. If you simply cannot part with that much money at once here's a few suggestions of some other good mascaras that will get the job done.

Loreal Lash Out- This is as close to Definicils as you can get without actually getting it. Loreal is owned by Lancome, thus the formulations of their mascaras are pretty darn close, and it's a great alternative at around half the cost of Definicils.

Great Lash Mascara- Yes, you've all seen it, the pink and green tube. It's marketed in nearly every grocery and discount store in America. But here's the's actually a really good mascara. It comes in a variety of colors and brush lengths and doesn't flake or dry out too quickly. Plus, it's not expensive so you can replace it relatively cheaply.

Revlon Lash Fantasy-Overall, this masacara has it's good points. Just make sure you keep the lid closed tightly as it tends to dry out rather quickly.

If you decide that Definicils is not your favorite, but still want the quality then may I recommend Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes. It's similar to Definicils, has a great texture, won't clump and the rounded head applicator is great for reaching even the tiniest lashes.

Watch for more featured products and instructions coming up. Also, keep on the watch for product drawings and give-aways. Tell your friends! If you have a questions about products or simply want to know what the latest makeup trends are in Hollywood, send me a comment, and I'll break it down for you.

Now go bat some lashes!

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