Monday, May 3, 2010

Industry Insiders

Photo by Mark Kidman Photography (all rights reserved)

Okay, so first off, let me apologize for my very infrequent posts. I would love to be able to update this bi-weekly, but alas, I would never get any of my makeup jobs finished. So, to that end, I will try to post more regularly, but please understand that the makeup world waits for no man...or woman!

Movin' is the first of many insider tips that I will be sharing with all of you.

Ever wonder how the same foundation can look fabulous on one woman and completely horrible on another? The short answer is application and color selection. The long answer is much more invovled. First off, no two foundations are created equally just as no two people have the same complexion. Second, foundation is only as good as the person applying it. If you don't know how to apply your foundation, chances are it's not going to look good no matter how much or how little you use.

Industry insider: Professionals don't have the time or the luxury of having 15 different types of foundation at their fingertips. We find one that we like and we use it for all of our subjects in most cases. So, how is it possible for us to keep everyone looking runway fabulous? The answer is Primer!

Foundation primer is AWESOME! My personal favorite is Smashbox Photofinish Primer. It is silicone-based so it's light and not greasy. A pea-sized amount on your fingertips should be enough to cover your entire face. Use it sparingly and it will last you at least 4-5 months.

Why is Primer important? Primer creates a soft, even finish for your skin. Also, because the one I use is silicone-based, it won't dissolve into your skin. It will stay on top of your skin and fill in fine lines and pores to maximize the coverage of your foundation. One of the best reasons to use primer is because it will make your foundation go farther. You can use smaller amounts of foundation and make it cover more of your face. This in turn, keeps you from having to replace your foundation sooner. Genius!

Smashbox Primer can be found at your local JC Penney store (if there is a Sephora makeup counter inside) or at

Next up: Summer Color Must Haves!

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